Seven videos featuring talks by leading UK ME/CFS researcher Professor Julia Newton | 6 August 2014

August 6, 2014

Seven short talks by Professor Julia Newton, who heads an active ME/CFS research group at the University of Newcastle, are featured in the latest video uploads from the Dutch group, ME/CVS Vereniging.

The latest – released on 6 August 2014 – contain her thoughts on ME and the future.

It can be found at the bottom of the seven images below.

Click on the images below to view them.


Professor Julia Newton is Clinical Professor of Ageing and Medicine, and Dean of Clinical Medicine, at Newcastle University. She is also the Associate Medical Director for Research in Newcastle Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The work of Professor Nedwton's research group is supported by a number of charities, including The ME Association.

Professor Newton has a clinical practice that explores the role of autonomic dysfunction in patients with fatigue, including patients with chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue associated chronic diseases. She has recently established a chronic fatigue CRESTA clinic at the Campus for Ageing and Vitality where for the first time patients with fatigue in chronic disease are being seen by a multi-disciplinary team. This is providing the clinical opportunity for patients to be seen by multi-disciplinary team with fatigue in MS and other chronic diseases, and tangible benefits have been seen in improving quality of life in the patients who have been seen.

In terms of research she has a considerable track record nationally and internationally in the biological basis of fatigue, particularly focusing on the role of the autonomic nervous system in the manifestation of the symptom of fatigue. She has over £1 million of MRC funding and £750,000 of NIHR EME funding to explore fatigue pathogenesis in chronic fatigue syndrome and fatigue associated diseases. She is patron of a number of patient support groups and Medical Advisor to ME Research UK and POTS UK. She has eight PhD students and has published over 200 publications in peer-reviewed journals.

Her research program focuses upon the integrity of the autonomic nervous system in health and disease, specifically the role of autonomic dysfunction in the pathogenesis of fatigue and its clinical consequences, namely cognitive impairment. Examining the integrity of the Autonomic Nervous System in humans is established in her physiology laboratory using relatively simple, inexpensive, non-invasive technologies that allow evaluation of a wide range of parameters that will within the foreseeable future be readily transferable into therapeutic interventions for patients. Developing and validating novel methodologies to determine subtle abnormalities in autonomic dysfunction and its consequences is the major aim of her research.

Recently ME Research UK awarded a large programme grant to the researchers in Newcastle in 2014, and it was decided to initiate a specific project investigating housebound or bedbound individuals who are unable to attend clinics or take part in research projects (which often require hospital attendance and multiple visits).


Seven short talks by Dr Charles Shepherd, released as part of the same programme of educational releases by ME/CVS Vereniging, can be found HERE.


And another seven short talks by Dr Nigel Speight, released as part of the same programme, can be found HERE.

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