My name is Foggy the Dog and I want to raise lots of money for The ME Association.
The aim of this year long campaign is for me to travel one million miles (that's a LONG way!) and raise at least £10k for the ME Association.
My best friend Patch's favourite human Sally has M.E. and when she is really poorly he looks after her and does what he can to cheer her up,i.e. lots of cuddles.
I want to raise money to fund research into why so many people are getting M.E (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome – much easier to say!!) and see whether there is a way to manage or treat it successfully.
It's a social media campaign so you can follow me on Twitter (@MEFoggyDog) and Facebook (Me Foggy Dog). I will be writing a blog a couple of times a week to keep you updated on my exploits as I travel around the world, and I will post the blog entries on Twitter and Facebook.
How the campaign/fundraising will work
My Twitter and Facebook followers around the globe can volunteer to ‘dog sit' and I will come and stay with you for a couple of days (via jiffy bag, stamp and plane).
Take me somewhere interesting, weird or wonderful and take photos to be put on Twitter/Facebook. Hopefully lots of lovely people out there will like seeing what I am getting up to. Can you just make sure that I don't go walkies anywhere on my own and that I come back home in one piece.
Please support my campaign by donating money on my Just Giving page:
If you would like to ‘dog sit' then contact Sally and she will arrange my travel. She's like my PA and is very good at her job! Either contact her via Twitter or Facebook or send her an email on MEFoggyDog@gmail.com
So far, in the next 2 months, I am heading for Malaysia, Portugal, USA x3, Australia and New Zealand. I think I am going to be a little bit tired and in need of lots of snuggles. I have the whole year to go globe trotting so I'm sure I can find time to come and visit anyone who wants me.
I'm off to chase some squirrels,
Bye for now xxxx