Can you help The ME Association bring Professor Ian Lipkin over to the UK in September?

February 22, 2014

The UK ME/CFS Research Collaborative will be holding a major research conference in Bristol on 1st and 2nd September 2014.

The meeting is being partially funded by the Medical Research Council.

Almost all of the UK researchers working in ME/CFS will be present and the conference will represent a wonderful opportunity to set up new collaborations and research proposals.

The organisers, which include The MEA through their position on the Executive Board of the UKRC, are also keen to present research to patients, and gain patient input on research, as part of this meeting – so there will be a separate session for patients, probably on the Monday afternoon

The MEA has indicated that we would like to fund Professor Ian Lipkin – John Snow Professor of Epidemiology, Professor of Neurology and Pathology at Columbia University, New York – to give a Keynote presentation to the conference covering his very impressive contributions in the areas of pathogen discovery, infectious diseases and biomarkers. The other Keynote speaker is going to be Professor Robert Dantzer, whose area of expertise involves cytokines and the brain.

Professor Lipkin has accepted our invitation and we are willing to help cover all his expenses. But we do still require some help with funding his travel expenses to the UK due to the fact that he has a medical condition that requires the ability to recline on the flight. This will mean booking a business class seat from New York. Professor LIpkin has not requested a fee for giving his lecture.

So if there is anyone, or any local group, who would be interested in making sure that this dedicated and high profile ME/CFS researcher comes to the UK in September please could you get in touch with Dr Shepherd at the MEA:

Please note that I may not be able to give an immediate response as I am away in Scotland doing GP training for the next few days.

Thank you.

Dr Charles Shepherd
Hon Medical Adviser, The ME Association

22 February 2014

Website links to further information on Professor Lipkin:

Columbia University:

Research related to ME/CFS:

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