Jessica Taylor, a ‘shining star’ in the world of ME | BBC South East News | 18 December 2013

December 19, 2013

In the BBC South East News last night (18 December), reporter Lucinda Adam introduced viewers to Jessica Taylor, who became severely ill with ME when she was 14 and now runs an organisation from her bed called ‘Share a Star' for other young people with the illness.

Jessica – who lives in Chatham, Kent – is hoping to register ‘Share a Star' as a charity soon and says it is already helping about 100 children.

The broadcast also includes a chat with Jessica's sister Ruby, while ME Association medical adviser Dr Charles Shepherd tells viewers just how bad ME can become for some people.

There is a YouTube of the item on Jessica's website. View it here:

There was a long piece about Jessica that appeared in the Daily Mail Online on Christmas Day. Read it HERE.

Jessica is on Facebook at

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