Channel 4 ‘Dispatches’ programme looks at the end of Disability Living Allowance | Monday February 25, 8pm

February 24, 2013

Programme description:

The Disability Living Allowance helps more than three million people lead useful lives. It pays for transport and carers, meaning that disabled people can work and lead independent lives.

But the benefit bill has to be cut, and the government plans to take more than half a million claimants off DLA. What will that mean for those who depend on it?

Talking to fellow Paralympians, disabled army veterans and disabled people in work, wheelchair basketball ace Ade Adepitan (pictured left) goes in search of answers, and asks if this hugely ambitious and expensive plan to reassess disabled people has been properly thought through.

1 thought on “Channel 4 ‘Dispatches’ programme looks at the end of Disability Living Allowance | Monday February 25, 8pm”

  1. Oh dear.
    It would appear they’re “only” looking at disabilites that do not interfere with being able to hold down and do a job. Not minimising the trouble of such disabilities at all, or the problems of getting employment (unless there is a positive discrimmination policy).

    What rot it all is. Thousands upon thousands being forced out of work and onto benefits by failing government policies and ruthless business monopolies; no jobs available even for those who are not disabled…. and huge cuts in welfare spending.
    Some folk in power need to learn some basic arithmetic.

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