Research, multi-centre trial | Treatment of CFS and Fibromyalgia with D-ribose | 4 July 2012

July 4, 2012

From The Open Pain Journal, 4 July 2012

Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia with D-Ribose – An Open-label, Multicenter Study.

Jacob Teitelbaum, Janelle Jandrain and Ryan McGrew Pp 32-37
(Academic affiliations not stated)


OBJECTIVES: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia (CFS/FMS) are debilitating syndromes affecting ~2- 4% of the population. Although they are heterogeneous conditions associated with many triggers, they appear to have the common pathology of being associated with impaired energy metabolism.

As D-ribose has been shown to increase cellular energy synthesis, and was shown to significantly improve clinical outcomes in CFS/FMS in an earlier study, we hypothesized that giving D-ribose would improve function in CFS/FMS patients.

DESIGN, LOCATION AND SUBJECTS: An open-label, unblinded study in which 53 US clinics enrolled 257 patients who had been given a diagnosis of CFS/FMS by a health practitioner.

INTERVENTIONS: All subjects were given D-ribose (Corvalen™), a naturally occurring pentose carbohydrate, 5-g TID for 3 weeks.

OUTCOME MEASURES: All patients were assessed at baseline (1 week before treatment), and after 1,2, & 3 weeks using a Visual Analog Scale(1-7 points) rating energy, sleep, cognitive function, pain and overall well being.

RESULTS: 203 patients completed the 3 week treatment trial. D-ribose treatment led to both statistically(p<.0001) and clinically highly important average improvements in all categories:• 61.3 % increase in energy• 37% increase in overall well being• 29.3% improvement in sleep• 30% improvement in mental clarity• 15.6% decrease in painImprovement began in the first week of treatment, and continued to increase at the end of the 3 weeks of treatment. The D-ribose was well tolerated.CONCLUSIONS: In this multicenter study, D-ribose resulted in markedly improved energy levels, sleep, mental clarity, pain relief, and well being in patients suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. NCT01108549

4 thoughts on “Research, multi-centre trial | Treatment of CFS and Fibromyalgia with D-ribose | 4 July 2012”

  1. I took D-ribose for 3 months, with lots of other supplements (as prescribed by a doctor) – it made no difference.
    Isn’t Jacob Teitelbaum the chap who favours ‘treatments’ such as ‘get in touch with yourself’?!
    I have much more confidence in the work of Booth, Myhill and McClaren-Howard! THEY give us hope.

  2. What were they treating? Using CFS to diagnose will never allow for a treatment to be found.

  3. I have seen a marked difference since taking D-Ribose- in energy levels, recovery from relapse, which could have taken months previously now only takes a few weeks, and I am managing longer walks consistently. I have noticed even greater gains the past week after commencing carnitine. I stated COQ10 about 2 weeks ago, so this too may be kicking in. My head is a lot clearer. So I am glad this piece of research has been noted by MEA. I think mitochondrial dysfunction is a very logical road to go down for future in depth research.
    If anyone is thinking of taking D-ribose, I would definitely reccommend giving it a go- you will soon see (within a couple of weeks) if it will help, and the improvement in the feeling of wellbeing just increases. That is why I am following more advice and adding COQ10 and Carnitine gradually too (as well as plently of Magnesium which I was taking orally and trans dermal too. I have had no side effects.

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