Living in Scotland with severe ME? Could you help with a worthwhile TV documentary?

November 9, 2011

The ME Association has been providing background information for an hour-long documentary about M.E. which will be screened by the BBC in Scotland.

And now BBC Alba is looking for a Scottish-based contributor with severe, debilitating M.E. to share their story and thoughts on the illness as part of the programme.

BBC Alba want to show viewers what life is like when M.E. leaves you housebound, unable to walk or even focus on small tasks.

MEA medical adviser Dr Charles Shepherd has already been up to Scotland to record an extensive interview covering research, symptoms and management.

For more information, please contact Elly Welch at Mactv in Stornoway. You can contact Elly by using this email: or by phoning her on 01851 705 638 or using her mobile on 07884 265 035.

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