Survey about holiday accommodation in Fife for those with long-term medical conditions

April 26, 2011

Nigel Donnell, of Scotinform Ltd, writes:

We are Scotinform Ltd, an independent research company based in Edinburgh, Scotland. We are currently carrying out a consultation to understand what people and families affected by long term medical conditions/illnesses look for in holiday accommodation e.g. are there special facilities that should be provided.

We are conducting this consultation on behalf of The Homelands Trust, a charitable organisation based in Fife, Scotland. The Trust is currently investigating the possibility of providing self-catering holiday accommodation for people and families affected by long term medical conditions/illnesses, especially those affected by neurological disorders. The Trust is keen to understand what they need to offer visitors in order that they have the best possible holiday experience.

If you have views on this then please take a few minutes to complete our online questionnaire. Simply click on the link below and remember to click submit when you reach the end of the survey.
(You may have to copy and paste this link to your browser)

Your input to this consultation will help the Trust to plan the best possible holiday accommodation for people with neurological disorders therefore your cooperation will be valuable and much appreciated.

Scotinform are members of the Market Research Society (MRS) therefore all our research is conducted in accordance with the MRS Code of Conduct. Your responses will remain confidential and will only be used for analysis purposes.

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