ME/CFS Service at St Helier Hospital, Carshalton, Surrey

April 19, 2011

Having been alerted to the fact that the ME/CFS service at St Helier Hospital may be under review The ME Association wrote to Matthew Hopkins, the Chief Executive, for clarification.

The following reply was received today from Matthew Hopkins.

Dr C Shepherd
Hon Medical Adviser
ME Association

Dear Dr Shepherd

Thank you for your e-mail of the 6th April 2011 regarding the Chronic Fatigue Service at St Helier Hospital.

Naturally, the Trust continues to review its services and the CFS is no exception. We aim to ensure that all services are being delivered in the most cost effective way and providing the highest possible quality for our patients.

The CFS has recently had a number of key staff leave and these vacancies afforded us an opportunity to re-examine provision for this service. As a result we were able to make changes that will ensure we are able to continue to provide a high quality service that meets the needs of the patients it serves in a financially viable way. We are in the process of finalising these changes which will be communicated to GPs and patients.

I hope this provides you with some assurance which in turn you can share with your members.

Yours sincerely
Matthew Hopkins
Chief Executive

We have asked the Chief Executive to keep us informed about any changes that are going to be made.

More information on this referral service can be found in the NHS Services section of the MEA website.

2 thoughts on “ME/CFS Service at St Helier Hospital, Carshalton, Surrey”

  1. Same thing is happening in Cornwall.

    Prof. Pinching is retiring in June and a replacement consultant is in doubt. A great shame. He was one of the best consultants I have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

  2. Oh I wonder who has left? They are actually very good there in my opinion. I hope it’s not closed down.

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