‘Switch off the Muzak just for the day’ – ME awareness appeal to the business community in Lochaber

March 10, 2011

To mark ME Awareness Day on 12 May, Lochaber PVFS/CFS/ME Support Network will be asking local shops and cafés in the Fort William area of Scotland to switch off their background music – just for one day!

The group are not saying what the response has been so far but Meg Pollock, who started the group last year, commented: “Sufferers can be so noise sensitive that they cannot cope with background noise.

“Until fairly recently, if I wanted to shop in my local Co-op, I had to ask the staff to turn the music off. Trying to understand these extreme sensitivities to noise is a ‘big ask' I know and it's an even bigger one for the community to accept them – so thank you from all of Lochaber's ME sufferers to all those who are prepared to make the effort”.

The group have a poster which they are asking all shopkeepers in the town to display. This can be obtained by phoning Meg on 07786 590 450 or emailing: m.e.lochaber@googlemail.com

In the afternoon of May 12, the group will be holding a meeting in Fort William Library between 3 and 4pm to which everyone will be welcome. There will be a refreshments available and a chance to chat.

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