The DecodeME Genetics Study 2022/23
This is the largest study of its kind anywhere in the world and it received a £3.2 million grant from the Medical Research Council and National Institutes of Health Research.
- Please register your interest now by visiting the DecodeME website: recruitment began in 2022.
- We need at least 20,000 people with ME/CFS. They will be asked to complete a clinical questionnaire and then if accepted, provide DNA samples via a ‘spit and post' system. There is no travel involved in this project.
No other research studies are recruiting at this time (December 2022).
Most of the research studies and clinical trials that we fund through the Ramsay Research Fund, or are being funded by other research funding organisations such as the Medical Research Council, make use of people with ME/CFS who are already attending clinics within the hospital they belong to, or a hospital that they have links with.
There are, however, occasions where the ME Association is asked to help find research volunteers. When this occurs we will make an announcement on the website and in ME Essential – the members magazine – and on social media platforms.
Please note that inclusion of a study does not necessarily mean ME Association endorsement or funding support.