CMRC Executive Board

The role of the Board is to set the scientific strategy of the CMRC to deliver its purpose and achieve its objectives. It will meet at least quarterly and hold its AGM in April each year.
The Board will comprise:
- Scientific researchers, serving or as invited to serve
- Representatives of UK research funders invited to serve
- Representatives of industry/pharmaceutical companies, serving or as invited to serve
- Representatives of UK charities funding research, serving or as invited to serve, including representatives of non-CFS/ME charities where there are synergies of work
- Up to two representatives of the Patient Advisory Group
- Other individuals capable of promoting the work of the CMRC invited to serve.
The Board will endeavour to reach decisions by consensus. Absent consensus, decisions will be made by majority vote of the members present and voting, the Chair having a casting vote.
A Chair and a Deputy Chair will be nominated and elected, normally after a five-year term of office, by consensus, or in default by majority vote of the Board members present and voting.
Details of the CMRCs purpose, objectives and values can be read in the 2018 CMRC Overview, and meeting summaries are published as soon as possible after each Board meeting.
Executive board members
Following the CMRC meeting in February 2018, members of the executive committee were confirmed as:
- Professor Stephen Holgate (University of Southampton)
Deputy Chair
- Professor Chris Ponting (Section Head, Biomedical Genomics, Chair of Medical Bioinformatics MRC/University of Edinburgh),
- Professor Patrick Chinnery (MRC Mitochondrial Biology Unit, and Dept. of Clinical Neurosciences, Cambridge University),
- Michael Dalrymple (MRC-Technology),
- Mark Edwards (Lay member with pharma/industry experience),
- Dr Joanna Elson (Mitochondrial Research Group, Institute of Genetic Medicine, University of Newcastle),
- Lars Erwig (Senior Director Discovery Medicine, GSK),
- Dr Neil Harrison (Wellcome Clinician Scientist and Reader in Neuropsychiatry, Research Lead for the Department of Neuroscience, Sussex University),
- Mark Jones (UCB Pharma).
- Prof Paul Little (Professor of Primary Care Research within Medicine, University of Southampton),
- Professor Carmine Pariante (Biological Psychiatry and Head of section, King’s College London),
- Professor Colin Smith (Functional Genomics, Brighton University).
Patient representatives:
- CMRC Patient Reference Group/Patient Advisory Group,
- Sonya Chowdhury, CEO, Action for M.E.,
- The Countess of Mar, Forward ME,
- Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, The ME Association,
- Chris Macdonald/Craig Bullock (Arthritis Research UK).
Official observers:
- Ana Atunes-Martin (Programme Manager for population sciences and public health, MRC),
- Dr Gabrielle Murphy (BACME),
- Representative from the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR).
Becoming a member of the CMRC
- Professional Membership (£20 per annum): Open to all healthcare professionals, researchers, charities and industry involved in CFS/ME research.
- Student Membership (£15 per annum): Open to students who are actively registered on a research, health, social care or related course with an academic institution.
- Associate Membership (free): Open to anyone with an interest in CFS/ME research including people with the illness, their carers and families.
- Membership applications should be made on the membership applications form and returned to the Secretariat.
- Members are advised that by joining the CMRC, they agree to have their details kept on a secure database for purposes of CMRC communication by the Secretariat and on the understanding that the information will not be passed to other organisations, and will be kept in accordance with the Secretariat’s Data Protection Policy and Procedure, compliant with relevant data protection law.
- Members will be required to confirm their agreement to work within the values of the CMRC.
The ME Association
Ramsay Research Fund
We are a national charity working hard to improve the lives of people devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease.
We believe biomedical research offers the best hope to people affected by M.E. If you would like to support our investment then please donate to the Ramsay Research Fund.
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ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279
Visit the other pages in this section:
- CFS/ME Research Collaborative
- Executive Board and Becoming a Member or Associate Member
- Executive Board Meeting Summaries
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