Journal - Only ME


For people with ME/CFS. A place to track symptoms, medication, appointments, pacing, food diary and to record how you feel. It also features enjoyable activity ideas, tips, advice – and so much more. It is undated, so you can use it at any time!


“It’s fantastic and easy to use. I write down a (short) list of things I’d like to get done each day. I particularly find the thoughts section really beneficial as it allows me to write down my feelings at that time. I love that there’s additional info and comments throughout the book. It’s very helpful having the list of symptoms to tick off plus adding your own.”

“Thank you for producing this journal!”

“I am now into week 4 of the journal and it has been very handy. There is space to put stuff that you have done and even a handy prompt to drink more. The food likes are handy as well as my husband/carer does my shopping and therefore know what not to buy as well as my favourite.”

I’m enjoying mine so far. A good mix of recording info and reflection to help with my mental health. I can see that a lot of time and effort has gone into putting this journal together with all the thoughtful tips and advice in between the weeks. I appreciate that deeply. Thank you!

I have told two ME forums about how good and helpful your journal is! I have told them how helpful I believe this will be in helping with filling in benefit forms as it’s a written record of everything ie. what symptoms you are suffering on a particular day. I am just so pleased with it I thought it would be a good tool for my friends on these forums.

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