Regulation of ME/CFS and Long Covid services in outpatient departments.

We have reached out to the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to see if they are involved in reviewing hospital outpatient departments, specifically ME/CFS and Long Covid clinics, which we are particularly interested in.

In 2021, a new NICE Guideline on ME/CFS was published with a clear set of evidence-based clinical recommendations, and a NICE Guideline on Long Covid is available but not yet completed. The Department of Health and Social Care will publish a Delivery Plan on ME/CFS in March and is currently completing a stock-take of ME/CFS and Long Covid services nationally to inform its strategy.

As many Long COVID services are now integrating with ME/CFS services across England, Wales, and Scotland, we want to understand the procedures involved and whether they are indeed being reviewed on a regular basis.

NICE and the DHSC have recognised that services need monitoring, but so far, we have found no formal process in place, only a brief one for funding reviews.

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