North East London’s Long Covid service to close.

NHS North East London


An update on long COVID services in north east London

Following the global pandemic, the NHS developed temporary specialist services to support people affected by the long-term effects of COVID-19 (commonly known as long COVID services). These services have been available to residents across north east London since December 2020.

From April 2025, NHS North East London long COVID services will come to an end.  Patients can expect support on a case-by-case basis, and as their condition requires through their GP.  Usual referral routes to other specialist services will be available as well as advice on how patients can self-care for low level symptoms of long COVID.

Why is the service changing?

The national funding for specialist long COVID services is ending in April 2025. A review showed that referrals into the service have significantly reduced.  The NHS and local government are tasked with reaching financial sustainability and increased productivity, which means we have a responsibility to spend money efficiently. This meant it was necessary to review and assess the Long Covid service, which was found to be to not meet patient need nor providing value for money.

You can get in contact with us about this change by emailing our enquiries team

The ME Association is writing to North East London ICB to find out why there was no public consultation before the decision to close the service. We are in consultation with the Clinical Post-COVID Society. There is an option for local patients to provide feedback on their views at

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