IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Images of the leaflets and plasma screen adverts. Wording - Recognise ME: ME/CFS Awareness Campaign. Information leaflets and A poster in 3,000 UK GP practices. Recognise ME advert showing on a number of plasma screens during September & October 2024. Recognise ME and ME Association Logos.

Recognise ME – Raising Awareness in GP Practices

The ME Association is committed to improving healthcare for people with ME/CFS. As one of the leading UK charities for people with ME/CFS, we believe that everyone, regardless of where they live in the UK, should have equal access to the best healthcare available.

This month, the ME Association has commissioned a distribution company to ensure leaflets and posters will be displayed in around 3,000 GP surgeries in the UK. Due to the company’s emphasis on monitoring usage, we will know the materials are on display, the number of leaflets being used, and when they need to be replaced.

This part of the campaign will run for 6 months, after which we will review results and decide if it’s worth continuing it on a regular basis and possibly extending (where possible) to include more surgeries – as part of an ongoing initiative to Recognise ME.

In addition, as many GP practices now utilise plasma screens in waiting rooms, we have purchased advertising space. The adverts will promote awareness and recommend that if people have symptoms, they should see their GP to check if they have ME/CFS.

The plasma screen adverts will be displayed throughout September and October 2024. We are grateful to the company for allowing us an extra month (Sept) without any charge!

Recognise ME screen

Summary of the Poster and Leaflets

Recognise ME - do you have these symptoms?

Poster: Recognise ME. Do you have these symptoms?

The poster covers:

  • The 4 key symptoms needed for a diagnosis as outlined in the NICE Guideline on ME/CFS
  • With the ME Association website information, where people can find support and information
Recognise ME leaflet: Do you have these symptoms?

Leaflet 1: ME/CFS. Do you have these symptoms?

The leaflet covers:

  • Suspecting ME/CFS & symptoms
  • Diagnosing ME/CFS
  • Illness severities
  • Energy Management
  • ME Association information
Recognise ME leaflet 2: Do you need help managing ME/CFS?

Leaflet 2: ME/CFS. Do you need help managing ME/CFS?

The leaflet covers:

  • Management of ME/CFS including referral to a specialist service, holistic assessment, and care and support planning
  • Provides information about specialist services
  • Severe ME
  • Energy Management & Physical Activity Information i.e. the latter (physical activity) should not be recommended
  • ME Association information and where to find more information about management i.e. pacing, energy & activity management, symptoms etc.

Patient Information

These concerted efforts should help patients in all stages of their illness; from people with suspected symptoms to those newly diagnosed and people who have had the disease for several years and require other information and support from the ME Association. The leaflets may also help people who are newly diagnosed or those who have ME/CFS explain the illness to family and friends.

Hopefully, you should start to see signs of the Recognise ME initiative in GP waiting rooms soon, however, please understand that the UK has over 8,000 GP surgeries and the distribution company can only provide the information resources to the establishments that use their services.

Poster and Leaflets

The poster and leaflets can also be used in other settings to help raise awareness of ME/CFS, inform patients, provide details on symptom management, and promote the ME Association as a place for information and support for people with the disease.

You can download and print the resources via the link below (please see the Awareness Category):

Moving Forward

Improving healthcare remains a key focus for the charity: working with healthcare providers and the local community to improve local services and health outcomes.

The ME Association remains steadfast in its dedication to work on initiatives that aim to improve health and social care that will benefit the ME/CFS and Long Covid community.

If you’d like to provide any feedback about this campaign or you would like to let us know you’ve seen the resources, please email:


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