IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of the human body showing nerves. With circular images of the group Physios for ME. Title: Physios for ME: Now recruiting - vagus nerve stimulation study. The Physios with ME logo and the ME Association Logo (bottom right).

Physios for ME: Now recruiting – vagus nerve stimulation study

**EDIT: Please Note: Due to a fantastic response, Physios for ME have decided to close the request for participants this evening (04.09.24) at 4pm.Thank you to all who offered to take part**

Physios for ME has opened recruitment for a new study on vagus nerve stimulation for people with ME.

They are looking for 40 people with ME who live in North West England (Liverpool / Manchester), who have never tried transcutaneous auricular vagus nerve stimulation before.

For information: This involves stimulation of the vagus nerve via electrodes applied to part of the ear, with the theory that this will stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and address symptoms of autonomic dysfunction.

The study builds on previous surveys (2023) conducted by Physios for ME and during this year regarding experiences of people with ME in using vagus nerve stimulation. The series of projects have been initiated by Dawn Wiley, founder of the Facebook Group “A Vagus Adventure AVA” and Andrea Parker, an Occupational Therapist in South Australia.

Dawn and Andrea use transcutaneous vagus nerve stimulation as part of the management of their ME, and they have been part of the project team for this new study. Their input has been instrumental in making the study as accessible and safe as possible, and we are thrilled to work with them.

Physios for ME
Physios for ME logo, ME Association logo, Chartered Society of Physiotherapy

People with ME/CFS needed

We are investigating the use of Transcutaneous auricular Vagus nerve stimulation for people with ME/CFS (mild to severe).

If you think you would like to take part in this study please read the information sheet here:

We would like to encourage people of a diverse range of ethnicities to apply.

Each participant will receive £100 for taking part and a taVNS device.

If you have any questions please email: Thank you.

Research team:
Physios for me – Dr Nicola Clague-Baker, Karen Leslie, Dr Michelle Bull, and Natalie Hilliard. Professor Helen Dawes, Professor Sarah Tyson, Associate Professor Tarsh Bruscoe, Dr Steven Lane, Dr Warren Donnellan, Dawn Wiley and Andrea Parker

Information about what the study involves and how to register interest can be found via the participant information sheet found on the Physios for ME website below:

We are grateful to the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Charitable Trust Physiotherapy Research Foundation Award who have provided funds for this project. And one of our co-founders, Karen Leslie, will be using the project as part of her PhD, whereby the ME Association has very kindly offered to support her with university fees – thank you!

Physios for ME

MEA Comment

Just for clarification:

The ME Association is not currently recommending that people should be using medical devices that claim to produce vagus nerve stimulation. 

Whilst there is some interesting research information to indicate that vagal nerve dysfunction MAY be involved in the pathophysiology of ME/CFS, the benefits of using these devices for ME/CFS remains uncertain.

We hope that this assessment will help to clarify whether vagal nerve stimulation could be a safe and effective form of treatment for at least some people with ME/CFS.

Dr Charles Shepherd,
Trustee and Hon. Medical Adviser to the ME Association,
Member of the 2018-2021 NICE guideline on ME/CFS committee,
Member of the 2002 Chief Medical Officer's Working Group on ME/CFS

Charles Shepherd

Further information

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