IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of a hospital ward and a circular image of a nurse setting up a drip. The title reads: ITV News: Woman in Sussex hospital for six months calls for ME treatment at home. The ME Association Logo (bottom right).

ITV News: Woman in Sussex hospital for six months calls for ME treatment at home

**Trigger Warning: Upsetting content**

A woman from Sussex suffering from ME says she fears she will die unless health services do more to help her.

ITV News


Karen Gordon from Polegate developed the condition after falling ill with a virus when she was 10-years-old. Unable to bear the light and unable to feed herself, Karen has spent the last six months in the Conquest Hospital in Hastings.

The 37-year-old wants to return home with the same intravenous feeding she's currently receiving in hospital.

Doctors at the Conquest Hospital say that for Karen to return home on Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN), she needs first to be assessed by specialists at St Mark's Hospital in London.

Karen's parents, Heather and Michael Gordon, say she's too weak to make the journey.

East Sussex NHS Trust say they are committed to doing the best they can for Karen.

Our hospital and community staff are personally and professionally committed to doing the best they can for Karen, and have continued to work closely with her and her family to not only to provide treatment for her condition, but also to accommodate Karen’s wider care needs in relation to her ME and the impact that has on her day-to-day wellbeing.

Spokesperson for the NHS Trust

Read the full statement from the East Sussex NHS Trust on the ITV News website.

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