The worried family of a seriously ill teenager have staged a protest outside a Lancaster hospital calling for her to be allowed to go home.
By Greg Lambert
Millie McAinsh has been in the Royal Lancaster Infirmary since January because she cannot eat, tolerate light or sound and can barely communicate.
Her mum Lucy Montgomery and sister Abbie McAinsh, and supporters say she would be better off coming home as the ‘stimulating' hospital environment could be making her worse.
A petition calling for Millie to be able to go home has been signed by over 11,000 people and she has received around 300 cards offering support from all over the world.
Lucy, Abbie and campaigners were outside the hospital on Tuesday to raise awareness of her situation.
They displayed a banner saying #BringMillieHome.
By January 30 of this year, Millie had become so weak that she was unable to take in food or liquid orally.
Due to concerns for her nutrition and her health, she was admitted to hospital to have a feeding tube fitted. Her family hoped her stay would be short, and she could then come home to recuperate.
But Millie has remained in hospital and her mum Lucy said she believes this is not best for her.
We feel Millie has been in hospital so long that her ME/CFS is deteriorating in this kind of environment which can't provide the quiet, low stimulation environment for someone in this condition. We'd like her to go home as soon as possible with a feeding tube that works for her, to recover her energy while we look for people to help, ME specialist doctors, from a home environment, as soon as she can.
Lucy Montgomery (Millie's Mum)
Due to the complexities of the case, it would be inappropriate for us to comment except to say that our teams are working hard with relevant specialists to provide the best possible care.”
Miss Jane McNicholas, Chief Medical Officer, UHMBT
Please note: The diagnosis of ME was made by Dr William Weir
Further Coverage
ITV News: Family stage protest outside Lancaster hospital over medical treatment of 18-year-old girl | 9th April 2024
BBC News: Lancashire: Family push for daughter's removal from Lancashire hospital | 12th April 2024