IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of someone conducting research with test tubes with a green overlay. Title reads: Decode ME - Last call for participants. Closing date: 15th November 2023. Two circles, one has an image of DNA and one has the date 15th November. The Decode ME logo (centre) and the ME Association logo (bottom right).

Decode ME – Last call for participants

**Decode ME has now closed participant recruitment (closed 15th November at 5pm) The Decode ME says: “A HUGE thank you to everyone who has signed up and contributed to our study.” Please can you send any outstanding spit kits back to Decode ME before 31 Jan 2024 **

by Decode ME

DecodeME the world's largest genetic study into ME/CFS is now in the final stage of participant recruitment.

At 5pm on the 15th of November, DecodeME will be closing their registration portal to both new participants and to those who have signed up but have not completed their questionnaire.

This is the last opportunity to sign up and be part of the groundbreaking DecodeME study. If you haven't already done so, please join those in the ME/CFS community who are doing something extraordinary by taking part.

Participants, who sign up and complete the online questionnaire by the 15th of November deadline and who are
invited to participate in the DNA stage of the study, will be sent a spit collection kit.

The final deadline for posting these back to DecodeME is the 31st of January 2024.

If you, or someone you know, are 16 or older, live in the UK, and have had a diagnosis of ME/CFS, please do take part now to help us decode ME/CFS.

Visit the Decode ME website for more information

The deadline for completing the questionnaire via postal submission has now passed (30th October 2023), so to take part you must be able to complete the online questionnaire. Please disregard the information regarding receiving a paper copy at the end of the Decode ME FAQ's information.

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