Image description: Young adult with ME/CFS. The title reads: Are you the parent of an adult child with ME/CFS? ME Association logo bottom right

Research recruitment: Are you the parent of an adult child with ME/CFS?

Could I interview you about your experience as a parent of an adult child with ME/CFS?

Study title: Caring for adult children with myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME)/chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS): a qualitative exploration of parents' experiences.

My name is Dr Kate Diggory, and I am an accredited counsellor and lecturer on the Master’s in Counselling and Psychotherapy at Keele University School of Medicine. I am also the carer of an adult child with ME/CFS, and I am interested in exploring other parents’ experiences by conducting a series of interviews and then publishing the findings.

What is the purpose of the study?

The experiences of parental carers of adult children with ME/CFS is under researched. Giving a voice to this group of carers may add to the understanding of carers’ experiences, thus aiding the advocacy work carried out by ME/CFS charities such as The ME Association. It may also help to inform therapeutic support for such carers as little is understood about the challenges that they face. Finally, it may help carers like you feel less isolated and to help normalise the experience of being a carer.

Who can participate?

You can participate if:

  • You are the parent of a child diagnosed with ME/CFS and they currently live with you.
  • Your son or daughter received a diagnosis of ME/CFS by a medical professional after the age of 18.
  • You provide some form of care to your adult child e.g., emotional care, practical care, financial care.

Please note that you cannot participate if:

  • Your child is under the age of 18.
  • You live outside the UK.

Thank you for your interest. I look forward to hearing from you.

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