‘I miss that my Mum isn’t able to do so much any more!’

A 12-year-old girl from Norfolk is going to throw herself over a colourful obstacle course later this month to show her support for her mother, who has been living in a darkened room with severe M.E. for almost two years.

Evie-Mae MacMurray, who lives in Downham Market, will be at the Norfolk Showground in Norwich on 23 September to take part in the Norwich Inflatable 5k. She’s already turned her challenge into a mighty fundraiser for the ME Association.

In her own words, this is why:

“I miss that my Mum isn’t able to do so much anymore. We used to do lots as a family but now it’s usually just me and my dad that get to enjoy fun things together.

“It makes me sad that my Mum has to spent so much time in bed and resting, I miss the fun things with her”.

Her mother, Lucy – a cancer survivor as well as suffering badly with M.E. – was prepared to endure payback from spending too much time on screens so she could tell Evie-Mae's story through a series of emails.

But her daughter, she was happy to write, is “smiling ear to ear with each donation made.”

Evie-Mae only opened her online fundraising a few days ago but has already reached over £500.

Her mother added:

“Evie-Mae is the kindest, loving. most caring girl. In difficult times she’s always there with a smile and a hug. She encourages me to keep going, she’s my brightest light on darker days.

From the left: Evie-Mae, her mother Lucy today and the family in earlier times.

“ Life has changed dramatically for us all, Evie-Mae has had to witness me going through cancer treatment since 2019 and now severe ME, the last four years haven’t been easy for her.

“I miss our quality times together as she does but I couldn’t be able more proud that she is taking part in this event to raise and fundraising for the ME Association with the hope that in time things will change not only for our family but many others too”. 

Evie-Mae’s dad Alex and her older sister Ellie will be at the showground to cheer her on.

Thanks, Evie-Mae – your story has quite made our day!

If this story has also caught your attention, please consider making a donation to the fundraiser by clicking on this link:

Tony Britton
Senior Fundraising Consultant, The ME Association
tony.britton@meassociation.org.uk Mob: 07393 805566

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