“We are incredibly proud of the work that Caroline has done visiting severely affected people to collect blood samples and clinical data for vital research. We would like to thank everyone who welcomed her into their homes knowing that participation often made symptoms worse but whose desire to support research was so strong.
“Caroline was a member of the NICE guideline committee responsible for the much-improved 2021 NICE Guideline on ME/CFS which includes new recommendations for healthcare professionals about managing people with Severe and Very Severe ME/CFS.
“Her empathy and expertise made her the winning candidate for this year’s award, and we are delighted that she will be continuing the work of the UK ME/CFS Biobank.”
Dr Charles Shepherd,
Trustee and Hon. Medical Adviser to the ME Association,
Member of the 2018-2021 NICE guideline on ME/CFS committee,
Member of the 2002 Chief Medical Officer's Working Group on ME/CFS

Caroline Kingdon:
“I am honoured and delighted to accept this award, on behalf of all those I have met with severe M.E., who have graciously welcomed me into their homes. Disbelief and stigma often alienate people with M.E. from the medical support they need, and frequently cause estrangement from family and friends.
“Each of the individuals I have visited has patiently explained how the disease impacts their lives, and the strategies they use to manage it. These visits often draw on their last reserves of energy, and we know that a visit can negatively impact a participant for hours, days or weeks afterward; nonetheless each person has still given their time, expertise, and energy to enable life-changing, biomedical research.
“I would like to acknowledge the dogged determination of the rest of the team at CureME – led by Eliana Lacerda and Luis Nacul; they are passionate about the need for robust research and have driven the UK ME/CFS Biobank with scientific and ethical rigour. I hope to use this award to share the experiences of people with severe M.E., and to continue educating healthcare professionals about its impact. I would like to thank the Board of Trustees for this tremendous validation of the work of the CureME team.”

The Howes-Goudsmit Award
This annual award was created because of a very generous donation from Dr Ellen Goudsmit, a disabled scientist who helped to create awareness of M.E. in both the UK and the Netherlands and who has studied the disease for over 40 years. The prize of £5,000 was named The Howes Goudsmit Prize after Mrs Sandra Howes and the late Mrs Felicie Goudsmit. Mrs Howes had severe ME, was a board member of the ME Association, and spent years writing about the disease. Mrs Goudsmit was a carer and as such, became very familiar with the many challenges of dealing with severe disability.
More information
- Caroline Kingdon: Research fellow, Research nurse, and UK ME/CFS biobank lead.
- The UK ME/CFS Biobank at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
- The NICE Guideline on ME/CFS: An ME Association Summary.
- 2022 winners of Howes-Goudsmit award: Natalie Boulton and Josh Biggs.