Fat Lil’s – the place to be on Saturday, 13th May

For the second year running, Oxford University events organiser Sarah Morrish has booked her own charity gig to raise awareness for us during ME Awareness Week in May.

She’s landed the cream of local bands to play at Fat Lil’s on Corn Street, in her own home town of Witney, on Saturday 13th May – from 7pm until late. Entrance will be just £5.

Sarah (pictured right) has had M.E. for several years. She told us: “I changed jobs last year, which meant taking a huge pay cut and abandoning an exhausting and demanding career as an Executive Assistant, which I had held for nearly 18 years.

“But it was the best decision I had ever made. I now have the most wonderful colleagues, who understand and support me. Sometimes I feel guilty about having to work from home more days than I would like, and catching every cough, cold and sore throat going. But the support given me by my great team mates has been amazing.

The 38-year-old added: “I couldn’t manage my M.E. as well as I do without the support of my family and friends, especially my gorgeous boyfriend Pat.  I had already known him as a lovely, kind person for six years before we went on our first date but had no idea how really special he would become.

“Pat and lots of other friends are talented musicians already – so what better way to raise awareness for the ME Association than this.”

Headlining will be Be-long. If songs by Blink, Linkin Park, Nirvana, Rage, Lit, and Incubus make you smile, Be-long are the band for you. Photo: Simon Emm.

Other bands lined-up for 13th May are:

Electronic trip-hop band The Subtheory, whose tracks are characterised by haunting beats, hypnotic melodies and atmospheric textures.  They’re also making a proud name for themselves in film and TV.

The Vodka Shots have been well-known on the Oxfordshire music scene in the past two years, influenced by the likes of Muddy Waters, Howling Wolf and Etta James. This seven-piece blues and rock’n’roll outfit are sure to get you on your feet.

Reapers are a female Alt-Rock trio from Witney. Lead guitarist Darcy and vocalist Torrin got together in late 2021, initially as a ‘garage band’ at Wood Green School in Witney where they practised in the main hall. After complaints from staff in the office, they expanded and at that stage drummer Maisie got involved. Their photo by Andy Moore.

And DJ ShazHamm puts heart into the funk, soul and classic rock n’roll on the decks. Some say he mixes thing up better than Tom Cruise in ‘Cocktail’.

See these performers play live at Fat Lil's in Corn Street, Witney, Oxfordshire, on Saturday, 13th May – only a fiver to get in!

Tony Britton
Senior Fundraising Volunteer, The ME Association
tony.britton@meassociation.org.uk Mob: 07393 805566

Tony Britton
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