We’re delighted to tell you that the internationally-famous M.E. event known as the Blue Sunday Tea Party will be back with us on Sunday, 14th May.
Ten years on since she launched it to coincide with ME Awareness Week, organiser Anna Redshaw tells us: “I’m hoping it will be our best one yet!”
Over the years, the event has raised over £70,000 for ME charities. It will be a hard act to follow – last year Blue Sunday tea parties round the world raised an astonishing £30.000 for charities, including The ME Association.
“The premise remains simple. “We want to allow as many people living with M.E. to join in”.
Anna told us today:
“I held my first Tea Party For M.E on the Sunday during M.E Awareness week in May 2013. After a few years of illness, I noticed there wasn't anything I could join in with to fundraise for a cause that was now very close to my heart.
“Too unwell to do a conventional sponsored event, I asked friends and family to join me in-person or online for a Tea Party For M.E. Asking them to donate the price they'd pay for tea and cake raised over £200 that first year.
“Fast forward to 2023 and Blue Sunday and the Tea Party For M.E has raised £70,000 for M.E causes, with the 2022 event raising £30,000.”
Blue Sunday is now an international event, with people joining in from Canada to Australia, Japan to Germany.
“Pre-pandemic, my family and I hosted 70 guests each Blue Sunday, having to hire a village hall to accommodate everyone. It turns out tea and cake is a very good way of engaging people with our cause!”
Watch out for further social media announcements on how easy it will be to enjoy your pot of tea with hundreds of others on Blue Sunday. To support The MEA on the day, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/BlueSundayMEA23

Tony Britton
Senior Fundraising Volunteer, The ME Association
tony.britton@meassociation.org.uk Mob: 07393 805566