An incredible wife and two young sons have made all the difference to the life of Phil Prydderch as he whiles away most of his days in bed with severe M.E.
That’s why Phil has nominated his whole family – wife Natalie and their two boys, Rory and Will – to receive one of our 100 ME Association hampers in our great Christmas give-away.
“Without their love and support, I don’t know how I would be coping with this horrible illness”, wrote Phil from his home in East Grinstead.
Phil went down with ME five years ago following a severe flu virus. He eventually had to take ill-health retirement.
“Despite how brutal and life-changing this illness is, Natalie has sought to understand it, supported me at medical appointments, cares for me at home, all the while having to take on extra responsibilities.
“She had to completely change her career in order to be around more for me and does the majority of the childcare and meals. It’s been incredibly tough and I know how life-changing and challenging it’s been for Natalie as well.
“The boys have been amazing too, Despite being young, just eight and 11, they’ve taken these changes in their stride in a way that is humbling to see. They’ve never got upset or complained that I am unable to do many of the things I used to with them – playing in the garden, watching movies together, day trips or even just reading.
“They also bring me meals and drinks to bed and help around the kitchen and the house. They just seem to understand, with a wisdom beyond their years.”

Over the next month, we will be making random selections from the people you nominate and sending them Christmas hampers. With their permission, we will be featuring some of the stories they have provided.
Please don’t stop making nominations. We’ve received 130 so far so there’s a very good chance your nominee could receive one.
To nominate you must be a member of the ME Association, or nominating someone who is a member. And the person you nominate must live in the UK.