Government’s commitment to ME/CFS starts to take shape

Dr Charles Shepherd is now a member of the government's research strategy working group and the first meeting was held last week. Nicola Anson (MEA Trustee) will join the Attitudes & Education working group, and Russell Fleming (Communications Manager) will join the Living with ME/CFS working group. These have been organised as part of the Government's commitment to improve research and healthcare, and we hope to report on the outcome of these meetings in due course.

Meeting with Sajid Javid

Health Secretary Sajid Javid had a meeting on the 9th June 2022 to discuss ME/CFS research. Dr Shepherd (MEA Hon. Medical Adviser) was happy to attend along with researchers, charity and patient representatives, with representatives from the government bodies who fund research (MRC, NIHR), and with Professor Lucy Chappell – the DHSC Chief Scientific Advisor.

Topics discussed

  • Research priorities identified by the JLA PSP
  • The clinical and pathological overlaps with Long Covid
  • The need to encourage new researchers into ME/CFS
  • Issues relating to how the charities and government bodies are funding research and how this could be improved.

List of Attendees

Health Secretary Sajid Javid

Professor Lucy Chappell – the DHSC Chief Scientific Advisor

Dr David Strain, University of Exeter; Medical Adviser for Action for ME

Prof Sir Stephen Holgate, University of Southampton

Prof Chris Pointing, University of Edinburgh

Prof Hazel Dockrell, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Prof Julia Newton, Newcastle University

Prof David Price, Cardiff University

Prof Manju Kurian, Institute of Child Health, University College London

Prof Ian Bruce, University of Manchester

Prof Maureen Hanson, Cornell University, U.S

Sonya Chowdhury, Chief Executive Action for ME

Dr Charles Shepherd, Honorary Medical Adviser to the ME Association

Jonathan Davies, Chair of ME Research UK

Debbie Smith, Steering Group, Priority Setting Partnership

Andrew Morris, Chair of Forward ME

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