Dr. Luis Nacul receives CIHR funding for research on post-COVID fatigue syndrome: Low Dose Naltrexone

March 3, 2022

Dr. Luis Nacul has received a grant for “A double blind randomized trial of low-dose naltrexone for post-covid fatigue syndrome” through the Canadian Institutes of Health Research.

This was announced in October 2021 and is a 1 year randomized parallel group double-blinded placebo-controlled trial that cost £440,000


‘Post-covid fatigue syndrome’ (PCFS) is a term being used to describe a set of symptoms in people who have not recovered to previous levels of health and function after contracting COVID-19. Clinically, PCFS resembles post-viral fatigue syndrome or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS).

Low-dose naltrexone has been used among patients with ME/CFS to help relieve symptoms like pain and fatigue. With this funding, Dr. Nacul’s team will conduct a randomized parallel group double-blinded placebo-controlled trial based out of BC Women’s Hospital Complex Chronic Diseases Program, in collaboration with the Provincial Post-COVID Recovery clinics, to investigate whether low-dose naltrexone can be used safely to reduce symptoms experienced by people with PCFS, too.

Findings from this study stand to benefit people who experience PCFS and lend support for further studies on the use of low dose naltrexone for post-viral fatigue syndrome and ME/CFS.

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