Gentle Yoga and Relaxation for Carers

September 22, 2021

Guest Blog

Izy offers Zoom yoga sessions and has written this blog about her reasons for getting involved in yoga and how her classes work.

She is offering the first session free to carers for someone with ME/CFS.

How to care for yourself whilst caring for others? Are you looking for ways to relieve stress? Have you ever considered Gentle Yoga? 

Becoming mindful of your own needs, so that you become the best version of yourself when caring for others can be difficult. Yoga has been proven to be a wonderful, holistic method of self-care to soothe the nervous system, reduce anxiety, depression and stress. Improve concentration, increase vitality and much more.  

Other Benefits of Yoga: 

  • Promotes healing and deep relaxation in mind, body and breath.  
  • Lowers blood pressure and promotes sleep. 
  • Improves strength (muscle tone), stamina, posture, balance and flexibility. 
  • Relieves muscular tension and increases joint-mobility. 

Style of Class 

Yoga with Izy is a creative, safe space that is calm, supportive and honest. Inspired to teach students that would like to practice with a softer, more mindful approach. Compassionate teachings and variations are offered to students, so that they can make choices according to their energy level, needs and abilities.  

In my classes, you will be introduced to a different theme each week. Guided through gentle breathwork (pranayama) and meditation, therapeutic touch/massage, mindful movement (static & dynamic postures), moments of pause and ending with restorative relaxation. 

Yoga with Izy classes are designed to leave you feeling nourished, revitalised, calm and balanced in mind, body and breath. I would love to create an uplifting, online community for carers. A chance to cultivate kindness towards ourselves. 

Why I started Yoga 

Yoga became part of my healing process after being diagnosed with Endometriosis and undergoing Gynaecological surgeries. During my first recovery, I became witness to my younger sister Alice falling ill with Severe ME.  

Yoga became a positive escape from compassion fatigue. The anger, frustration, overwhelm and sadness that you might experience as a carer/family member can become so consuming. Yoga gave me the tools to relax and rest, to feel more energised and positive in mind, body and breath.  

Alice continues to be my biggest inspiration. Through her encouragement, I decided to embark on a 16 month, ‘200hr Yoga Teacher Training’ with the prestigious Yogacampus in North London. At present, I am studying ‘Yoga Therapy for Women’s Health.’  

During lockdown yoga became a part of my family’s self-care routine each week. My mother, Caroline (carer) and sister, Flora continue to attend my online classes. My father, William also attends online, private 1-2-1’s.  

If you are still feeling hesitant about giving yoga a go. Let go of your inner voice saying that you’re not flexible or fit enough. Instead be patient, kind and honour yourself just as you are.  

Yoga with Izy looks forward to welcoming you to ‘Gentle Yoga and Relaxation for Carers.’ 

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.  

How do I join

Online via Zoom: Gentle Yoga and Relaxation 

Thursday: 9.30-10.15am BST (45-minute class) 
Booking is limited to 10 spaces 
Open to Carers of All Levels 

A donation of 50p per person will go towards the ME Association

Click for Information on using Zoom and preparations for the class and the Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions can be found on these links.

*Before signing up to your first class, please email me for a ‘Registration/Health Form.’  

Social Media

Izy has a Website with more information and can be found on Instagram and Facebook 

How Yoga has supported Caroline 

I am a mother and full-time carer to Alice (17) who is a ‘Severe M.E’ sufferer. Alice has been bedbound for 6 years. We just about manage day in and day out, with little help from the medics. The pressure is intense and daily struggles are ignored by far too many!  

I was nervous to start yoga classes, worried that I couldn't do the whole hour or that I wouldn't be flexible enough, let alone do a downward dog! However, over the months I have come to look forward to my hour out from caring. A chance to concentrate on myself and to try and take my mind away from this devastating illness that has taken over my family.  

Izy is a fantastic teacher, letting me step away when Alice calls. It's never a problem as she knows the struggles first hand.  

I have learnt to breathe properly and to relax certain parts of my body. Focusing on the breath when my mind wanders and positive visualisations have become subtle coping strategies when back on the front line.  

I whole heartily recommend giving this gentle yoga practice ago. It's even better because you are on Zoom. It's taken me a long time to realise how important it is to step away. I feel that 45 minutes to an hour is just about manageable. It's my self-care treat of the week!  

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