Hannah’s Instagram video fundraiser smashes target!

August 17, 2021

Hannah’s family and friends kindly helped make this Instagram video to go alongside her fundraising campaign and to raise much needed awareness of ME/CFS. 

Hannah has shared a poignant video on her Instagram (@hannaheavery) which has been viewed over 12K views and has raised an amazing £5,000 for the MEA Research.  
Here she explains more in her own words: 

“Hi, I’m Hannah. I’m 19 and have been ill for 5&1/2 years. It would mean the world if you could take three minutes out of your day to watch and reshare my video. 

This video started with Taylor’s song (Right where you left me) that I listened to on repeat for weeks because it resonated so much. I’ve felt so much grief all these years that I needed to do something. Capturing and then sharing that grief through ‘Right where you left M.E’ has felt incredibly cathartic. My mum and sister helped with the filming, and my amazing friends sent me the rest of the videos. 

When I was first diagnosed in 2017, we signed up for the M.E. Association. I remember sitting at our dining room table and wanting to cry because I’d received a package in the mail from them. It was the first time in nearly two years that I felt like someone outside of my family really understood what I was going through and were genuinely sorry. They do everything they can to support sufferers, raise awareness and advocate for better care, as well as funding very much needed research. Please consider donating to them through my fundraiser if you can. Thank you!” 

If you'd like to donate, please do so via her fundraising page 

“Hannah and her family and friends have produced a remarkable video. Fundraising-wise, it's knocking our socks off. It's making a lot of money for our Ramsay Research Fund which went through a very lean time during the pandemic. Thanks so much to everyone involved.” 

Tony Britton, MEA PR and Fundraising Manager

“Thank you so much for doing this. It's a really powerful and well-made video.”  

Dr Charles Shepherd, MEA Hon Medical Adviser

Read more about the Ramsay Research here

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