Proud finale for the lady who had beetled back home to Bolton!

June 24, 2021

Sarah Elsby is back in the fundraising frame – over a year since she first set out on six big walking challenges for the ME Association. 

Sarah, whose mother Lynn has suffered with M.E for years, walked over 16 miles along a coastal path in Anglesey on 23rd May. A fortnight later she managed 23 miles along the Cleveland Way in north Yorkshire. 

They were stages 4 and 5 of a challenge that began with long walks in Cornwall and Devon and then to the waterfalls at Ingleton in the Yorkshire Dales 

Sarah (42), who works in fostering for her local council in Bolton, is now contemplating the final and ‘Big Daddy’ challenge of them all. Any day now, she’s going to climb Mt Snowden, the highest peak in Wales, not once but twice! 

“I promised I would do them all, and I’m not one for letting people down”, said Sarah, who has notched up thousands upon thousands of steps on her Fitbit tracker. 

Sarah has a unique distinction for an MEA fundraiser – indeed probably anywhere! 

On 23rd March last year, she was driving down the M5 to start her first challenge in Padstow, Cornwall, when she picked up the news on the car radio that Boris Johnson would be locking down the nation that night. 

Rather than being in the wrong place at the wrong time, she turned the car round and beetled back home to Bolton. She resumed all her challenges earlier this year. 

“Cornwall’s my favourite place in the world but it suddenly dawned on me that the locals wouldn’t want me down there.  In fact, they probably don’t want to see any visitors at all”, she said last year as the coronavirus nightmare was about to cut swathes out of all our lives. 

Thank you for seeing all these challenges through, Sarah. We’re so proud of you!   

If you would like to support Sarah’s fundraising please click below

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