Ja Bowie will be chafed in all sorts of awkward places when he takes on one of amateur cycling’s most extreme challenges – riding for the ME Association in May from Land’s End to John O’Groats.

He’s already racking up the miles in training for the long haul as he and his brother Jess, who will also be riding but for another charity, get ready for the off.
With Ja’s wife Cath driving the backup vehicle, they hope to complete the distance in 12 days. Covid restrictions permitting, they’ve already booked their accommodation for every night.
“I live in a house full of women. It will be a treat to get away from the gabble for a few days”, said Ja, who works as a gardener for the local council in Wellington, Somerset.
Ja – that’s pronounced Jay, which is short for his given name of Jason (which he loathes) – is a 46-year-old, regular gym attender where the boss has lent him a superb cycle for the trip. He’s also taking advice from a qualified nutritionist on how to build up strength and endurance.
He has no obvious family reason to want to support an M.E. charity other than Cath has been friends for many years with Claire Ayshford-Smy, who’s been running virtual quiz nights for the ME Association since first lockdown last March.
“Now it’s payback time for all Claire’s hard work organising us all throughout a really tough time. How can I thank her? Well, I’ve always said I would do it so here we are: the LEJOG!”
He’s even designed his own cycling top for the trip.

Jess, who lives in Liverpool, will be raising money for Bradbury Fields, Merseyside’s biggest provider of services to the blind and partially sighted.
Thank you for your generosity of spirit, Ja. It is much appreciated.
If you would like to help him on his way, please visit his page at https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/jason-bowie
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