The New NICE Clinical Guideline on ME/CFS to be Published in April 2021

June 25, 2020

The new NICE clinical guideline on ME/CFS

Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser to the ME Association, and other M.E. experts, clinicians, and patient representatives, had continued to work on the new clinical guideline via remote meetings until NICE made the decision to suspend them as resources were directed towards the Covid-19 pandemic.

The meetings were recently reinstated and work now continues. Stakeholders can expect to receive the new draft guideline for comment and review from 10 November this year.

The highly influential NICE clinical guideline on ME/CFS is now expected to be published on 21 April 2021 when we hope it will better reflect the patient experience and help to change attitudes and healthcare for the better in the years ahead.

Letter to Stakeholders

Dear Stakeholder, 

As you will be aware, because of the need to prioritise work on COVID-19 guidance and to avoid drawing frontline staff away from their clinical work, NICE cancelled all guideline committee meetings. This included meetings for the ME/CFS guideline.

We have now rescheduled the remaining committee meetings for this guideline and agreed a revised timeline. This means that the consultation on the draft guideline will now start on 10 November, and the guideline will now publish on 21 April 2021.

Katie Stafford, Senior Guideline Coordinator, 24 June 2020

The ME Association

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