Rest in Peace Jennifer Chittick. ME sufferer, campaigner, beloved daughter and sister | 24 May 2019

May 24, 2019


ME Association Statement, 24 May 2019.

It is with much shock and sadness that we report Jennifer Chittick died on Tuesday after a ten-year battle with M.E.

Jennifer was a beloved member of the M.E. community and an inspiration to many. She will be greatly missed.

Jennifer achieved so much for this community, campaigning, fundraising, sharing the story of her struggles and managing to raise a smile with her Screw ME Facebook page and social media events.

All while being bedbound by severe M.E. and reliant on the care and support of her parents.

Most recently, she helped the ME Association in its campaigns around ME Awareness Week and was in the feature article that appeared in The MailOnline only yesterday.

Everyone at the ME Association is devastated by this news. Jennifer will be greatly missed.

The news of her passing was announced earlier today by her sister Lindsay on Facebook:

The announcement has already attracted many comments expressing shock, grief, gratitude and condolence for a person who was much-loved. Please visit the Screw ME Facebook page to leave a comment of your own.

“I am devastated to learn of Jen’s passing. There are tears flowing down my face as I type. We were only ‘chatting' across cyberspace a few days ago. Jen was such a force for good in our community.”

“She fully recognised how M.E can be such an isolating illness, and worked so hard, through her Screw M.E. Facebook page to share advice and help to give a general sense of optimism and hope to sufferers.”

“Latterly, she clearly put everything she had got into spreading the word in this last M.E. Awareness Week. She will be sorely missed. SCREW M.E!”

Helen Hyland, Fundraising Manager, ME Association.

“This is extremely sad and unexpected news to receive, especially when it comes the day after Jennifer was featured in the major Daily Mail article on M.E.”

“I never met Jennifer but got to know her and her struggle with this wretched illness through occasional email correspondence.”

“I must pay tribute to all the work that Jennifer has done over many years in campaigning, raising awareness and fundraising to help other people with M.E., all of which she was doing up to the time of her death.”

Dr Charles Shepherd, Hon. Medical Adviser, ME Association.

Help and Support

If you feel the need to talk to someone, then please consider reaching out to ME Connect – the ME Association's telephone helpline. Many of our fully-trained helpline volunteers have personal experience of M.E. and being able to talk to someone can be a great comfort. The Samaritan’s are another helpful resource should you have need.




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