Volunteers bale out the Worcestershire ME Support Group | 30 September 2016

September 30, 2016

Volunteers have come forward to save Worcestershire ME Support Group from sinking – but organisers are still looking round for a few more so that informal groups scattered round the county in Droitwich, Malvern and Worcester can keep afloat.

The rescue of the main committee came at the group's annual general meeting a week ago on September 23. It followed strenuous efforts to publicise the need to bring new blood on to the committee.

The group chairman Ian Logan, writes:

“Thanks to the publicity received from the ME Association, Action for ME, the Worcestershire local press, and everyone who forwarded our pleas for help – a few volunteers came forward at our AGM last Friday, 23 September. But, we still need more people to run the informal groups throughout the county.

“Current informal meetings in Droitwich, Worcester and Malvern, will run until the end of 2016. There may be changes in 2017, so check this website. Lunches will continue – check for dates and venues.

“If you want informal meetings in all areas of the county – help is needed at the meetings, and we need more people to attend them. If you are able to help the group in any way, please contact email me or phone 01886 888419. Please leave your number if I am not available – many thanks.”

The ME Association last covered this story HERE.

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