More round the world adventures for Foggy the M.E. Dog | Evening News, Portsmouth | 15 January 2016

January 15, 2016

From the Evening News, Portsmouth, 15 January 2016 (Story by Kimberley Smith).

ONE year on from his last campaign, Foggy the dog is back.

Sally Callow, from Milton, is planning to send the globetrotting pooch on his second international adventure to raise money to fight a debilitating disease, which can leave sufferers feeling ill and completely exhausted.

She raised £7,500 as part of a Foggy Goes Round The World campaign in 2014.

This time, she is aiming to support the ME Association through a Foggy Does Sport challenge, which will see the dog watch or take part in sport on five continents.

Sally said: ‘ME sufferers cannot do sport and I’m hoping the campaign makes people aware of this. Some people can’t even get out of bed in the morning so I want the Foggy Does Sport challenge to highlight both the symptoms and the illness.

‘We haven’t even started yet and there has been loads of interest. I have friends in Japan who might be taking Foggy to a sumo wrestling match, and someone is taking him to India.

‘In the first campaign someone took him to an Arsenal game and got photos on the pitch. In another, a mini scuba kit and snorkel were made just for him.’

Sally said people around the world could volunteer to get Foggy involved in anything from watching an ice hockey game in Canada to climbing Mount Everest. The ME Association will use the proceeds to fund research.

Sally said: ‘Around 250,000 people in the UK suffer from ME. It’s not uncommon.

‘I want more research to be done as I want someone to be able to tell me why I feel terrible every day.’

She said: ‘You can do anything you want as long as it’s sport-related and you get lots of photos.

The campaign starts tomorrow and Sally said she was hoping to raise £5,000. Donations can be taken through Just Giving which will be live on Sally’s website, tomorrow.

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