Marlow-on-Thames nabs our medical adviser | Marlowfm97.5 | 10.15am, Tuesday 27 November

November 26, 2012

The 18,000 townsfolk of Marlow-on-Thames will have MEA medical adviser, Dr Charles Shepherd, all to themselves – if they care to tune into their community radio station, Marlowfm97.5, at 10.15am next Tuesday (November 27).

He will be on station's The Health Show all the way until 11am, talking to co-presenter Ann Garry and someone with ME/CFS who will also be on the programme.

Questions can be sent into the programme in advance and during the show by phoning the studio on 01628 488 975, texting 07900 975 975 or emailing

Listen to live streaming of the show on the internet at

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