Twenty members came together to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Sheffield Yoga for ME/CFS last Friday (January 27).
Most of the 264 members practise their therapeutic yoga at home as they are too ill to attend regular classes. But this group were well enough to be at the special event in Holy Trinity Church Hall, Millhouses.
In order for those who could be there to enjoy the event to best effect, Clare Jenkins of independent radio production company Pennine Productions recorded the session in advance so people could rehearse the gentle moves before they turned up on the day.
Sheffield Yoga for ME/CFS is an independent, local charity that is dedicated providing specialist remedial yoga for people with ME/CFS. It provides Hatha Yoga classes every Friday and – in conjunction with the Sheffield Yoga Centre – Iyengar Yoga on Tuesdays.
These are free to members and free transport can be provided for those in need. The charity also provides regular bulletins by post and e-mail, information on the web site and resources such as yoga books/CDs/tapes which are available from a postal library.
For more information about the group, please phone 0845 582 0112 (between 11am and 4pm).