GMC Fitness to Practice hearing: Dr Andrew John Wright (scheduled start: 17 October 2011)

October 17, 2011

From the website of the General Medical Council.

Dr Andrew John WRIGHT
GMC Reference Number: 2825184

Area of practice: Lancashire

Planned dates: 17 October to 25 November 2011
St James's Building, 79 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6FQ

The Fitness to Practise Panel will meet at St James's Building, 79 Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 6FQ to consider a new case of impairment by reason of misconduct.

The Panel will inquire into the allegation that between 2003 and 2006, Dr Wright, a General Practitioner, ran a private practice specialising in the management of fatigue disorders. It is alleged that Dr Wright instructed the Bowen Research and Training Institute, Florida, to test samples of six patients' blood despite the Institute not being licensed for clinical laboratory testing. It is also alleged that in respect of a number of patients Dr Wright made diagnoses which were based upon inadequate evidence and subsequently initiated treatment.

The above reflects the allegation as it stands at the start of the hearing. The allegation may be amended as the hearing proceeds and when findings of fact are made by the Panel. If you require up to date information regarding the allegation throughout the course of the hearing, please contact the GMC's Press Office.

In accordance with Rule 41(2) of the General Medical Council (Fitness to Practise) Rules 2004, the Panel may decide to exclude the public from the proceedings or any part of the proceedings, where they consider that the circumstances of the case outweigh the public interest in holding the hearing in public.

6 thoughts on “GMC Fitness to Practice hearing: Dr Andrew John Wright (scheduled start: 17 October 2011)”

  1. There has been a concerted effort by our HPA to take out any doctor that dares to diagnose or treat patients for Chronic Lyme Disease regardless of whether patients have benefited from that treatment.

    D of H reply to me recently ‘The Department is well aware of certain medical practitioners in the UK whose diagnosis and inappropriate treatment for Lyme disease puts patients at risk.’ Seems to me decisions were made even before these doctors come before a GMC hearing.

    I was one of the fortunate patients who was given a clinical diagnosis of Lyme Disease (not by AW) and treated on long term antibiotics in line with International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society. I have recovered from painful debilitating arthritis and muscle weakness which was initially diagnosed as Fibromyalgia and then ME/CFS and later Polymyalgia Rheumatica until a chance course of antibiotics led to significant improvements. I was retired early on the grounds of ill health from the Civil Service but now I have my health and my life, with no pain and no disability.

    Our Health Authorities are disregarding the wealth of research that shows this illness like other Borrelia to be a relapsing remitting illness capable of evading our immune system and short courses of antibiotic treatment. Visit the ILADS website for more information and Lyme Disease Action Website for information related especially to us here in the UK.

    Last year the Institute of Medicine held a workshop on Lyme Disease and other tick borne illnesses their findings ‘Significant Gaps Remain In Understanding of Lyme Disease.’

    Dr S O’Connell presented at that workshop and her presentation is still available to watch and listen to on their website. Dr O’Connell says in her presentation ‘we all agree we need improved diagnostic tests for all the tick-borne diseases.’

    Current NHS tests for Lyme Disease can, according to some research, miss 50% of cases, they are antibody tests and the makers of those test kits used by our NHS – Trinity Biotech says that a ‘Negative results (either first or second-tier) should not be used to exclude Lyme disease.’

    Dr O’Connell reported our doctors specialising in treating patients with Lyme Disease to the GMC, she will be called as the ‘expert’ witness, she is very well aware of the controversy that shows this disease to be far more complex than HPA accept following the restrictive and discredited IDSA guidelines.

    At the IDSA review hearing the final report threw out any research that was done in Europe for the reason that in Europe we have several different species of Borrelia than in the USA, because they presented differently and had different illness patterns – information can be found on LDA website. We need clinical guidelines that are appropriate for us here in the UK.

    For further reading see ILADS website for presentations given to IDSA review hearing in particular Steven Phillips presentation of 25 studies on seronegativity and persistent infection on 18 occasions the authors of the IDSA contested guidelines were involved in those studies and yet chose to ignore them in their restricted guidelines.

    The GMC are being mislead into thinking they just have a bunch of wayward doctors out to make a fast buck- in reality we will find one day that they are very courageous doctors realising that this is the biggest medical disgrace of all time and struggling against all odds to find ways to help their patients get better and get their lives back.

    We don’t know all the answers and they will be the first to acknowledge that, but we do know that some of us do respond well to long term antibiotic treatment.

    If those denying this disease in it’s Chronic form would put as much effort into looking at the thousands of research papers (over 19000) then science could move on and make a significant contribution in helping patients who have an antibiotic responsive illness following a tick bite.

  2. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to post links on this forum but see that others have on comments on other posts. so related to my previous comment.

    Lyme Disease Action website

    on the IDSA review findings

    International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society

    presentations to IDSA review hearings including Steven Phillips
    Institute of Medicine Workshop

    A good summary of the IOM report is on Nat Cap Lyme

    There have been studies on patients with ME/CFS and Lyme here is one by an infectious diseases doctor Sam Donta.

    This is just a fraction of what is being ignored by our Department of Health.

  3. Another courageous and widely researching doctor, Dr Sarah Myhill, was also erroneously pursued by the GMC, despite no patient ever having been harmed, or indeed, any complaint made by a patient. It does seem as if the medical establishment actively dislikes, and does its utmost to silence, practitioners who think outside the box and do serious and wide-ranging research in their tireless efforts to help their patients.
    Dr Wright was formerly a medical adviser for Action for ME; no doubt he is painfully aware of the desperate plight of many thousands of ME patients, and is simply doing his best, especially in the light of the fact that we are offered no serious treatment by the NHS. It is outrageous that after over two decades, CBT and GET are the only things on offer, which are useless for many and actively harmful for some. Yet the doctors such as Dr Wright and Dr Myhill who are constantly searching for answers and treatments for this illness, are punished. It makes me furious.
    Oh, and what did the GMC do in the case of Sophia Mirza, who actually died because psychiatrists sectioned her? Well, precisely nothing.

    1. I have been a patient of Dr Wright’s for several years now. He has been a lifesaver for me, I have suffered with ME for nearly 30 years now and did not receive a diagnosis till about 10 years ago when my 3 daughters started with similar symptoms. He has been on a mission for many years to try to find a cure. I do hope he can continue with his good work.

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