Parliamentary Question, Scotland: Needs Assessment, 16 August 2011

August 17, 2011

Kezia Dugdale MSP (Scottish Labour, Lothian) tabled a written question asking the Scottish Executive when the health care needs assessment on myalgic encephalitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) will be implemented by NHS Lothian.

It was answered on 16 August 2011 by Michael Matheson MSP, Minister for Public Health, who replied:

It is for individual NHS boards to plan and healthcare services to ensure that the needs of their local population are met.

It is understood however, that NHS Lothian has started work on a revised pathway for ME-CFS based on the Scottish Good Practice Statement on ME-CFS for GPs. The pathway will seek to ensure that people living with the ME-CFS are recognised early by their GP and receive the appropriate clinical investigation, treatment and support.

This work will be taken forward over the next few months in discussion with the board’s partners, including patient and carer representatives.

1 thought on “Parliamentary Question, Scotland: Needs Assessment, 16 August 2011”

  1. Will be interesting to see how this plays out. I certainly hope newly diagnosed patients are given the support they deserve. I do wonder what ‘appropriate clinical investigation’ entails?

    I have said before on here – though cannot find that comment – while I am pleased that Scottish government recognises ME as neuro, a shame Michael Matheson MSP appears to think PACE was money well spent. This documented in a letter he sent me via my own MP.

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