‘Dr Paul’ to quit Burrswood after a 24-year career there but he could be back! | 28 July 2016

July 28, 2016

Dr Paul Worthley, who met many people with ME/CFS when he was the lead physician at Burrswood Hospital in Kent, will hold his last outpatient clinic there at the end of August.

‘Dr Paul'– as he is widely known – worked at Burrswood for 24 years, ceasing to be the resident senior doctor in 2014.

The charity most involved with Burrswood, the ME Trust, said his departure was a result of the hospital's “new vision and direction”.

ME Trust founder Hannah Clifton dropped a strong hint that they would be working with Dr Worthley in the future.

“Dr Paul and the ME Trust are committed to offering ongoing help and support for all those with ME/CFS who currently fall through the care net.

“Subject to raising sufficient funding, we will work with others to establish a new outpatient service and a home visiting service. In time, we aim to open an inpatient centre; this is integral to our vision to create a centre of excellence”, she said.

Earlier this year, Burrswood announced the ending of inpatient care for patients with severe ME/CFS towards the end of 2016.

This was put down to difficulties in finding qualified nurses and the high cost of providing such care.

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