‘Telling GPs the Truth about ME’ | help us to get second phase off the ground | 15 October 2013

October 15, 2013

2013 purple booklet covers copy

Could you help us get the second part of this campaign off the ground? We need to raise £1,000 in pledges (which can be for as little as £100 each) in the next few days – before we can take part in the Big Give Christmas Challenge in December.

The campaign aims to get our ‘Purple Booklet' – our clinical guidance and research update publication – into as many GP surgeries as possible. So far we have received pledges worth £500. The deadline for receiving the remaining pledges is midday on Friday, October 25.

If you would like to pledge a minimum of £100 to the campaign, please click on the following link and make your pledge now: new.thebiggive.org.uk/pledge/meassociation

Last Christmas, we raised enough in the first part of the campaign to post out well over 3,000 copies of the highly-praised booklet to GP surgeries round the UK. Another 350 were sent directly to patients who agreed to hand-deliver it to their own doctor.

This time we want to involve many more patients, families and carers directly in the delivery of the guidance to their own doctors so we can get the booklet into many more surgeries. We hope to get another 2,000 copies out this way and that the Christmas Challenge – through its unique use of matched funding pledges topped up by funds from corporate charity champions – will raise a grand total of £4,000.

For details of the campaign, please click on the following link: secure.thebiggive.org.uk/project/20684

There's no need at the moment to give us your own names and addresses or tell us which surgeries need attention. We'll be asking for this information later when we're in a position to be able to put all these details on a mailing database.

At present, all we are doing is trying to do is to raise enough money to pay for the second stage of the campaign.

Please help us get the second part of the job done by pledging today! Thank you.

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