IMAGE DESCRIPTION: An image of Elspeth and her tutor Sarah Isaacs and a circular image of blocks saying EXAM. Title: Joy for teen with ME/CFS who hasn't attended school for 8 years, as she passes her English exam. The ME Association Logo (bottom right).

Joy for teen with ME/CFS who hasn’t attended school for 8 years, as she passes her English exam

Elspeth Cadwallader (as pictured with Sarah Isaacs) recently achieved a grade 6 in her GCSE English Literature exam, a result that might seem typical among many students on results day. Yet, what sets Elspeth apart is the astonishing fact that she accomplished this feat after attending only ten lessons. Her remarkable performance is truly extraordinary, in particular as Elspeth has also been extremely ill over the last few years and hasn't been to school in that time.

By Ursula Cock (Elspeth's Mum)

Mother Ursula Cock (left) and Elspeth Cadwallader (right)
Mother Ursula Cock (left) and Elspeth Cadwallader (right)

At the tender age of 10, Elspeth was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (ME) following a bout of tonsillitis. The severity of her condition reduced her functional capacity to a mere 5%, leaving her unable to perform basic tasks such as swallowing solids, brushing her teeth, sitting up, holding her head upright, showering, or walking.

Confined to a hospital bed at home, she spent four and a half agonizing years bedridden. During the first four years, Elspeth was hypersensitive to light and noise and experienced significant cognitive impairment, managing only to watch repetitive TV programs to prevent further mental decline.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis is a debilitating neurological disorder that affects the entire body, causing excruciating pain and profound fatigue that makes even brief conversations exhausting. In addition to ME, Elspeth developed Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS), a condition that causes the heart to race uncontrollably when upright, exacerbating her fatigue and complicating her recovery. Despite these overwhelming challenges, Elspeth's indomitable spirit never wavered; she clung steadfastly to her dream of pursuing an education.

In an environment that offered minimal support and displayed a glaring lack of understanding about her condition, we found a beacon of hope in Sarah Isaacs. Sarah demonstrated remarkable empathy and dedication, becoming an essential part of Elspeth's educational journey. Although Elspeth's health often prevented her from attending online classes, Sarah consistently prioritised her well-being, ensuring that her education adapted to her fluctuating condition rather than the other way around. This thoughtful approach prevented any further deterioration in Elspeth's health.

ME is an unpredictable disease that demands meticulous management. Sarah's unwavering support enabled Elspeth to excel in English language studies, earning a commendable grade 7 last year. This year, despite her health constraints allowing her to focus on only one subject at a time, Elspeth chose to study English literature.

Her dedication and hard work paid off when she achieved a grade 6 after attending just one lesson a week for 10 weeks. Her achievements, especially this year, are a testament to her resilience and determination, and we couldn't be prouder of her accomplishments.

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