Not only has Tom Speed obtained one of our charity places in next year’s London Landmarks Half Marathon, he’ll also be running in the actual London Marathon three weeks later.
And Tom’s going to run them both for the ME Association – something I can’t recall happening in the 22 years I’ve worked for the charity.
He found out only last week that he had finally won a second London Marathon place in their ballot, seven years after running for the first time in what is probably the world's biggest marathon.
“I’ll almost certainly be using the London Landmarks Half as my last long training run before the London Marathon itself”, said the 39-year-old from St Neots in Cambridgeshire, whose 13-year-old daughter Taylor was recently diagnosed with ME.
“I’ll be tapering down the mileage on each training run after the London Landmarks Half until the London Marathon itself on 27th April. I then want to be firing on all cylinders.
“I first took part in the London Marathon when I got a ballot place in 2017 and I’ve applied every year since but never got one again until last month. I’ve always tried to do something every year for a charity.”
Tom, who works for Gates Hydraulics in Cambridgeshire where they make hydraulic hoses for JCB diggers, said:
“I like to think I’m doing something useful to help to help Taylor. We’ve been repeatedly going backwards and forwards to hospital and trying new things with her, but nothing’s worked yet.
Pictured: a family ‘pile-on' at home – from the bottom Tom, his 20-year-old son Jack, son Clayton (16) and 13-year-old daughter, Taylor ; the “lean, mean running machine” picture he's put up on his Justgiving page; enjoying an earlier run.

“As a parent I feel quite useless so I would like to join your team to feel I’m actually helping out with the cause – not just for my daughter but for everyone else with this horrible condition.”
Taylor commented: “Yep – he's the best in the world! Thanks, dad, for doing this!”
Tom has already launched his fundraising with a JustGiving page for the London Landmarks Half:
As soon as he’s finished this race on 6th April, the page will then transform into his donations collector for the London Marathon.
Tom, we’ll follow you every step of your fundraising journey. The very best of luck with it and we hope you and your family achieve everything you want.
Tony Britton
Senior Fundraising Volunteer, The ME Association Mob: 07393 805566