Student Research: To what extent do Long Covid patients perceive the treatment available appropriate?

The ME Association is sharing this survey with the community should anyone with Long Covid wish to complete the survey.


Hello, my name is Tillie Kendrick and I am in my third and final year of studying BSc Physiotherapy at the University of Worcester.

I am conducting a quantitate research project titled: To what extent do Long- Covid patients perceive the treatment available appropriate?

I am inviting people over 18, who have been diagnosed with long Covid and received treatment from a physiotherapist for their condition to take part in my short anonymous survey. The survey should take no longer than 15 minutes to complete.

There is no obligation to complete the survey and I will not receive the responses until you submit. The responses will be analysed by myself and produced in my dissertation project at the beginning of May.

I am extremely interested in researching into how long-Covid patient perceive their treatment from us as physiotherapists as many of the treatments are adaptations of those originally made for other respiratory conditions.

I believe its important as the next generation of healthcare providers, us as students gain a better understanding of how exactly we should be treating long-Covid patients, and what better way than asking you yourselves.

For more information about the research study, please read:

To access the survey, please follow the link or scan the QR code below:

Thank you! Tillie

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