A 15-minute film about living with Long Covid was shown by Sky News on 16th November. It contains a substantial contribution by ME Association medical adviser, Dr Charles Shepherd, who spoke knowledgeably about how Long Covid looks so much like ME/CFS.
Sky’s film features their technology correspondent, Rowland Manthorpe, who has been off work with Long Covid for the past 18 months. Beautifully filmed, ‘How long COVID ruined my life (and why it won’t go away)’ is recommended viewing: watch it here.
As promised, we have now completed the mailing of essential MEA literature about ME/CFS and Long Covid to over 8,000 GP practices throughout the UK, Channel Islands, and Isle of Man!
The MEA has launched its Christmas campaign – but this year you don’t have to donate anything to the charity. Instead, while the Cost-of -Living Crisis is making so many people worried about their ability to make ends meet, we’re giving away hampers crammed with seasonal treats to some of our unpaid carers.
MEA members ONLY can nominate the unpaid carer who means most to them. We have 100 hampers to give away to these special people and we’re making random selections weekly all the way up to Christmas. Read about our great give-away and meet the Peretti family here
In September, we launched a new in-house project to focus on work with the NHS to ensure that reliable specialist services are set up for people with ME/CFS throughout the UK that actually match the exacting standards laid out in the latest NICE guidance on the illness.
This work is being led by Juan Corlett, who for two years led a successful campaign on the Isle of Man that resulted in the creation of a new ME/CFS and Long Covid clinic on the island.
We continue to be active supporters of the £3.2m Decode ME Study, the world’s deepest dive to find gene sequences unique to M.E. Thousands of volunteers are taking part, using a simple spit sample that will provide DNA and by completing a questionnaire. To volunteer, visit the DecodeME website.
We are also keeping a close watch on progress of the ‘Delivery Plan' for ME/CFS launched on ME Awareness Day this year by Sajid Javid when he was Secretary of State for Health and Social Care.
We have three MEA people on Delivery Plan working groups – our medical adviser Dr Charles Shepherd, trustee Nicola Anson and communications manager Russell Fleming. They tell us that the initiative is progressing, albeit slowly, despite Mr Javid's departure from Government.