Natalie Bolton Video: Dialogues for ME/CFS

October 12, 2021

Dialogues for a neglected illness or Dialogues for ME/CFS present “NICE – A turning point becomes a debacle”.

This short film explains Myalgic Encephalopathy/ Encephalomyelitis (M.E) also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) with quotes from knowledgeable healthcare professionals including our honorary medical adviser Dr Shepherd. It highlights post-exertional malaise (PEM), the risks of Graded Exercise Therapy (GET) and the importance of the new NICE guideline for ME/CFS.

Many excellent videos are available on the Dialogues of ME/CFS site including the one shown below.

Dialogues for a neglected illness (Dialogues for ME/CFS) is a project made possible by an award from the Wellcome Public Engagement Fund. (Sept 2018 – Sept 2021).

“What a lot of pain and heartache could be spared if all doctors were properly informed and able to guide their patients in those crucial early stages.”

Kay Gilderdale. Kay’s daughter Lynn died after sixteen years of very, very severe ME, precipitated by graded activity management

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