BBC Radio Cornwall to host live discussion with our Dr Shepherd on Monday

January 30, 2021

Recording now available, start at 1hour 12mins 54 seconds (1:12:54)

BBC Radio Cornwall will be hosting up to 45 minutes of discussion about ME/CFS and Long Covid with our medical adviser, Dr Charles Shepherd, from about 3.10pm on Monday (1st February).

Charles has been invited onto the afternoon show by its producer Dick Straughan to discuss the hot topic of the overlaps between the two illnesses with new show presenter Julie Skentelbery, who lives in Falmouth and was born in the county.

Thousands of people with Long Covid have been in contact with the ME Association through our ME Connect telephone helpline since last Spring and via Facebook. Some tell us they have already been diagnosed with Post-Covid Viral Fatigue Syndrome or even Post-Covid ME/CFS. 

But most are just extremely worried about the long-lasting effects of their illness, and want to know what we can do to help them get better.

Charles has been advising Ministers at the Department of Health and Social Care on the subject since the end of September.


To listen to BBC Radio Cornwall right now, click on the following link:

Phone-in number: 01872 22 22 22

To text Julie Skentelbery while the show is on air, use 07786 20 12 22

We will put up a link to the replay as soon as it becomes available.

The ME Association

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