Kara Jane Spencer, our lovely songbird who is trying to raise £100,000 for an ME/CFS Tissue Bank, will be appearing on the BBC Local Radio Network next Monday (28th December) – in company with the legendary Dolly Parton.
The show will be called ‘Our Make a Difference Heroes' with different scheduled times across the day.
You can find out when your local BBC local radio will be running it by checking the times at this link: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p0912k5q
The album is called ‘It's Still Me' The family are currently selling it on CD, in addition to the music being available to either stream or download on platforms like Spotify, Google Music, iTunes/Apple and Amazon Music.

To buy the CD with a guide on using her fundraising page at JustGiving, visit https://karajanesings.com/2020/11/16/cds/
For more details about Kara Jane's music and her charity appeal, please visit: https://karajanesings.com
The ME Association
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