2020 CMRC Research Conference in Bristol – Early Bird Registration Now Open | 06 November 2019

November 6, 2019

Russell Fleming, Content Manager, ME Association.

Early bird tickets are now available for the 2020 UK CFS/M.E. Research Collaborative (CMRC) conference, which takes place in Bristol on Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 March.

These tickets are for CMRC members only. If you are not a member but would like to join please see the information below.

Early bird booking is open until Monday 18 November at 5.00pm and registration fees begin at £250.

This is a fantastic opportunity for researchers, people affected by M.E. and clinicians to learn more about the latest published and unpublished research, meet potential collaborators and contribute to future developments.

  • The ME Association will be again offering student bursaries to successful applicants that will cover the cost of attending the conference. We will provide full details in due course.

The full research conference programme will soon be available, and we are delighted to have a strong international presence alongside key researchers from the UK, including:

  • Prof Chris Ponting, Edinburgh University, Scotland
  • Dr Sadie Whittaker, Chief Scientific Officer, Solve ME Registry
  • Prof Alain Moreau, University of Montreal, Canada
  • Heidi Nicholl, Emerge Australia
  • Prof Neil Harrison, Cardiff University, Wales
  • Dr Dan Peterson, United States

Once the sale of early bird tickets is over, non-members will also be able to register. You can book your place via the CMRC Eventbee page.

Join the CMRC

Membership of the CMRC is open to anyone with an interest in M.E. research, with Professional (£20 per annum), Student (£15 per annum) and Associate Membership (free) available.

All members agree to work within the values of the CMRC. You can apply to join by completing and returning the CMRC application form.

  • Read the latest minutes from the CMRC meeting held on 16 October 2019. It includes an update on the status of the proposed GWAS study and resulting MRC application, and news from Dr Nina Muirhead and the medical education initiatives.

The ME Association Ramsay Research Fund

We are a national charity working hard to improve the lives of people devastated by an often-misunderstood neurological disease. 

We believe biomedical research offers the best hope to people affected by M.E. If you would like to support our investment then please donate to the Ramsay Research Fund. 

Just click the image opposite to visit our JustGiving page for single donations, to establish a regular payment or to begin fundraising.

Or why not join the ME Association as a member and be part of our growing community? For a monthly (or annual) subscription you will also receive our exclusive ME Essential magazine.

ME Association Registered Charity Number 801279

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